Returning to the Roots

Some may have noticed that I had been away from this blog for some time. It is not due to any serious reasons. But I did have some changes to my life. One large change is that I have temporarily relocated to Japan from New Zealand while the sun’s activity is quieter. With that I started to travel around Japan and countries that were not easily accessible from where I was living ‘Down Under’.

One out of a few countries I visited is India. The last time I visited was coincidently almost the same time 20 years ago.
It was 1999 when I came up with the name traceoflight for the Hotmail account (trace of light put together for the account ID) while the use of webmail and Internet cafes was starting to get popular among travellers.
I felt that I returned to my roots and one large cycle had completed after 20 years of travelling.

Things have changed a lot in this world since then. Even for India.
But in Varanasi, the sun came up from the other side of the Ganges river and people worshiped the cycle of life as they did for centuries.

Visiting places like India got me thinking a lot and I’ve been taking many photos during my absence online.
I have some ideas for some new projects and I hope to present them in the future.